Explore Mexican visual art and create personal works while developing fundamental language skills in Oaxaca, Mexico, to create art opportunities linked with Latin culture in a preK-8 school that only offers 60 hours of social studies instruction annually.
My knowledge, skills and capabilities have grown in countless ways that I will keep discovering as I teach and create my own art. I learned that I am capable of proposing and receiving a fellowship. This has encouraged me to look for more opportunities. I learned new ways of building and fixing ceramics. My understanding Spanish has advanced, but more importantly I know I need to use it. I am capable of creating a simple tapestry weaving. I know enough to be able to experiment with natural dyes
It was beneficial to to face the challenges of being a student again. For example, my brain involuntarily shut off after an hour during Spanish lessons. Also, the ceramic vessel I worked on for days cracked. I will verbalize encouragement for my students more frequently. I’ve experienced first hand many different cultures in Mexico, I trust this new understanding expands to other cultures. I know better than to present stereotypes to my students.
My greatest personal accomplishment is increased courage. I ventured forth alone daily into an unfamiliar culture not speaking the language, without internet data and ready to learn. I took taxis to towns 30 minutes away and constantly kept the faith that all would go well. It did. This adventure greatly increased my self confidence and independence.
Fund For Teachers has already had positive impact on my students. They spent last school year learning with me about Mexico as I prepared (to be awarded and to go on my trip). Fifth grade will start the school year with a Zapotec inspired lesson. I will enrich my units of art education with newly acquired understandings and stories that will engage students. My students' attention will be captured when I tell them that one of my teachers is twelve years old!
During an interdisciplinary Noche Mexicana celebration last Spring, students presented their learning about Mexican culture. I will present my FFT experience to students, colleagues and community members. I will co-host Spanish Club with another teacher. I will create a workshop to experiment with natural dyes. A local weaver and I will welcome weaver Porfirio Gutierrez to my school as well as her weaving studio in the Spring.
We will celebrate their learning with an exhibition of student work and invite the community. Also the art workshops and presentations can also be celebratory!
The school is 88% caucasian and there are racial incidents in town. My admiration of artists from other cultures helps break down the wall and build bridges to other cultures for students. Recently, a former student told me art class helped his identity as an Asian minority in the school. A Spanish speaking student recently enrolled. I hope she will co-tech Spanish club with me to help her find leadership in the school. The presentation by a Zapotec weaver for the community may also help.
Fund For Teachers encouraged me to imagine my “dream travel and learning experience”. Then It gave me the opportunity to push myself beyond my comfort zone to do it. The experience Fund For Teachers granted isn’t just about the place visited, or knowledge, skills and capabilities I gained, it also created friendships and personal growth. My experience moved appreciation of Mexican Culture from my head to my heart. A teacher with passion is a teacher who will spread enthusiasm for learning.